Indice degli argomenti
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are one of the most common childhood neurodevelopmental disorders. Regarding the prevalence, studies point out the increase of ASD during the lasts decades.
People with ASD usually experience scholar difficulties. Because of that, other associated school problems, such as school failure or absenteeism, could arise while they feel overwhelmed in dealing with social and academic demands.
To this end, the main objective of the course is to reduce the school vulnerability of persons with ASD in the transition from primary to secondary by providing strategies and tools to teachers from primary and secondary school as well as other professionals belonging to the school community.
- Duration: 25h
- Schedule: 10th November – 15th December 2021
- Modality: online though a Moodle platform
- Free certification
The present course is structured in five modules:
- Module 1: Basic and advanced knowledge about autism
- Module 2: ADS students’ needs
- Module 3: Intervention Strategies in ASD: Skills needed to be addressed in preventing school failure and absenteeism
- Module 4: Absenteeism
- Module 5: Coordination strategies
Every module has both theoretical and practical content.
- Theoretical part: visualization of videos, presentations, and a chapter’s book.
Practical part: self- assessment questions and some practical cases based on the theoretical content.
Contact e-mail for doubts and questions:
- Questo argomento
Module 1
Part 1: Social Communication
Part 2: Limited Stereotical Interests
Part 3: Heterogenity of the Disorder
Part 4: Autism and co-occuring conditions
Part 5: Development Changes
- Assessment
- Evaluation
Module 2
- Assessment
These practical cases can be downloaded and run independently, but they are not mandatory. An online comparison session will be activated to compare the possible results.
Join an online session, coordinated by an autism expert, for the presentation and discussion of the practice case to clarify any doubts or questions. Not mandatory.
- Evaluation
Module 3
- Assessment
These practical cases can be downloaded and run independently, but they are not mandatory. An online comparison session will be activated to compare the possible results.
Join an online session, coordinated by an autism expert, for the presentation and discussion of the practice case to clarify any doubts or questions. Not mandatory.
- Evaluation
Module 4
- Evaluation
- Assessment
Module 5
- Evaluation
These practical cases can be downloaded and run independently, but they are not mandatory. An online comparison session will be activated to compare the possible results.
Join an online session, coordinated by an autism expert, for the presentation and discussion of the work groups to clarify any doubts or questions.
- Assessment