Coordination strategies - Module 5


2.3. The link among health and education professionals in the transition process

All the persons involved in the school must be attentive to the students and their needs, especially those with ASD.

Sometimes we have the strange sensation that health professionals donĀ“t belong to the school, they are visitors. This must not be the case towards any student and specially students with autism. We believe that all the intervenient in the primary school are informed about the needs of the student with autism.

It is very important the link between health and education professionals in the transition process. Often the students with ASD have comorbidities linked with Autism, for example: epilepsy, ADHD, intellectual disability. In the transition process the secondary school must be alert to provide information to teachers, staff and the students.

Partnership with other mental health professionals will also help school counsellors tap into resources from other members of the multidisciplinary team, an important support for a successful transition to secondary school. 

These collaborative opportunities create room for members of various professions to contribute with their particular skills without duplicating efforts

Effective transition planning requires active participation from all members of the multidisciplinary team, including the health professionals, teachers, student in need of transition.