ASD students’ needs - Module 2


2.3. Adapted exams

When students with ASD have exams, it is very likely that they are anxious and do not know very well how to act, therefore, it is very important that we anticipate precisely what type of evaluation is going to be carried out as well as notify in advance of it ; Besides; in exams that are longer, it is convenient that they be divided and that they take as long as necessary; If we see that the written evaluation costs too much, we must consider the option of developing oral exams; and the corrections of the same must be shared so that the student understands the failures.

In relation to their structuring, it is relevant that in all subjects it is similar and that objective tests are carried out such as: multiple choice (true / false, choose options, etc.), underline or surround options, join with arrows or question answer. In addition, it must also be clearly indicated what each question counts and the approximate time of completion.

Finally, when taking the exam, it is convenient for students to have a sheet with a list of steps to be carried out in the exam, that is, a sheet in which it is clearly explained that the exam is section by section.

Figure 2. Script adapted exams. Page 42. Autism Federation Castilla y León, 2018. Guide for teachers and educators of students with autism.