Coordination strategies - Module 5


The transition from primary to secondary school is a landmark moment in a child’s life (Zeedyk et al., 2003). The loss of familiar places, structures and people through change in the areas of social and academic/school life brings fears associated with the unknown and present considerable challenges. Although many children adapt well to these changes (Evangelou et al., 2008), others struggle to adjust – which can sometimes have detrimental consequences, including lowered self-esteem and decline in academic progress, combined with increased anxiety and depression (Ashton, 2008; Galton et al., 2003; West et al., 2010; Zeedyk et al., 2003).

For a smooth and successful transition, strategies must be thought, developed and applied by all the agents involved in this process. These strategies must meet the needs and main concerns of the students and their family, using their interests and strengths. They must be adapted to the reality of each student and easily adaptable to their different contexts of life. In this process, which covers both primary and secondary schools, it is essential that the student, family and school community of both schools will be deeply involved in order to respond their needs and concerns.